Thank you to the 27 Brothers who gathered early in the morning of Saturday, April 8th to deliver Easter Food Baskets to 86 families in nearby communities. Also, thank you to Brothers Jim Coyle and Wayne Tallman for the many hours spent administering the program.
Author: admin
Click for this month’s news
Adopt-a-Family for Easter
Sign-ups for our Adopt-A-Family for Easter will take place on the weekends of March 11-12 and March 18-19. We will provide Easter meals for families in need from our surrounding communities. Look for the Knights sign-up table before and after all Masses during the weekends of March 11-12 and March 18-19 and select a family…
2022 Men’s Coat Drive Delivers
Due to the generosity of St John parishioners, we were able to deliver about 150 coats, hats, scarves, gloves, hoodies, and sweaters to St. JohnHospice Homeless Shelter in December. Our pickup truck was packed with three very large appliance-size boxes, and about eight large 30-gallon plastic bags. Thanks to Brother Lou Penge for once…