St. John the Evangelist Knights of Columbus Council 7515 invites you to join the fun in our 2022 Football Sweepstakes. This is a unique sweepstakes that runs for 10 weeks from November 6, 2022 through January 8, 2023. There are multiple winners every week and you may even be a winner for losing!
Hereâs how it works: There are 10 chances to win per ticket. Each $10 ticket provides 4 random Professional Football Teams per week. Your “Score” is the Total Number of Points each game per week. For example, the final score of those 4 teams added together (team scores of 21, 24, 7, and 14 would be a total score of 66). $3,000 in prizes — offering winnings from $30 for lowest score to $400 for highest score — will be awarded weekly for 10 weeks. Winners will be posted weekly on our Councilâs website, Tickets will be available for sale in the church vestibule at all Masses the weekends of August 21-22, August 28-29 and September 3-4
This is a fund-raising program with proceeds benefitting charities supported by the Pennsylvania State and St. John the Evangelist Knights of Columbus Councils.